Actions you can take today to help
•Write a lettter to your state representative and senator
Dear Representative Roblan / Speaker Hunt As an Oregonian, I urge you to take the steps necessary so that Oregon will ensure that its National Guard will only be deployed overseas for federal service based on valid Congressional enactments. Please be sure HJM 5-1, the Guard Home Memorial, gets a work session and a vote before the Legislature ends its term! Thousands of Oregonians wrote, called, emailed, and marched in favor of keeping the Guard from deployment to Iraq. We understand that the current deployment may not be able to be stopped, but we think that, if amended, HJM 5 will send Congress with the same message that was in HB 2556-1--that a Governor should not release the Guard to federal service abroad if there is no valid authorization. HB 2556 enjoyed bipartisan support. On May 21, the Medford Mail Tribune gave "cheers" to Representatives Dennis Richardson, a Republican, and Chip Shields, a Democrat, for "working to give the state more say in the deployment of Oregon National Guard troops to wars overseas." Mayor Kitty Piercy of Eugene wrote letters on May 26 to Eugene's legislative representatives calling for a work session and vote on HB 2556. Legislation or resolutions to de-federalize the Guard has been introduced in Vermont, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and several other states. Oregon needs its National Guard to respond to wildfires and natural disasters, and for search and rescue missions. We have a chance to be a national leader with this legislation. Please let me know when HJM 5-1 has been scheduled for a work session.
Frequently Asked Questions List (10/27/08)
Authorizations for Use of Military Force (2002 &
Previous Oregon resolutions and letters
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supporters (12/4/08)
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