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"The U.S. Invasion of Iraq: Intended or Unintended Consequences?"
an evening with peace activist Noor Ghazi
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
live stream at

Noor Ghazi, an Iraqi-American peace activist based in the United States, will appear on a livestream presentation on Tuesday, June 25. Ms. Ghazi will speak about the history of US involvement in Iraq, including the effects of sanctions and the 1991 "Gulf War," the 2003 US invasion, and the resulting 20+ years of turmoil in her native land. Her personal experience makes this more than a recitation of history. The event will be hosted by KBOO's Lisa Loving. The presentation will be followed by a moderated Q&A.

Ms. Ghazi holds an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies with a focus on International Peace Development. She serves as Director of the University Sponsorship Program at Guilford College with Every Campus A Refuge (ECAR). Her involvement as a professor of practice at UNC Chapel Hill-US and visiting lecturer at Mosul University-Iraq has allowed her to dedicate time to peace projects, including a documentary highlighting life under ISIS in Mosul. With a strong emphasis on conflict in Iraq's modern history, Ms. Ghazi actively fosters collaborative efforts for peace building by creating inclusive platforms that unite diverse voices towards a more peaceful future in the region.

Instructions for participating in the Q&A period after Ms. Ghazi's presentation will be posted at the time of the event, which will be livestreamed on YouTube at The presentation is coordinated by Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group (IAG). It is cosponsored by War Resisters League-Portland Chapter, Peace Action Group at First Unitarian and Alliance for Democracy. It is endorsed by Oregon Progressive Party and partially funded by the IAG's Ruth Holt Memorial Peace Journey Fund.

For more information, or if your group would like to cosponsor or endorse this event, contact Peace and Justice Works at 503-236-3065 or

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Peace and Justice Works
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065

Page posted May 28, 2024, last updated June 17, 2024


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